Saturday, July 2, 2011

Goldstein Leads Huntingdon Valley's 11 hit Attack in Win Over Cedarbrook 8-4

Huntingdon Valley (HV) seems to be clicking on all cylinders at the end of the season as it pounded out 11 hits in a 8-4 victory over Host Cedarbrook to push its record to a respectful 9-11. HV, winners of 4 of their last 6 games, seems to be getting timely hits and great defense towards the end of a short baseball season.

"I said it before and I will say it again, We are learning how to finally win games like this but it is a little to late to make the playoffs" Head Coach Evan Horn continued "At this point I want these boys to know what it feels like to win games like this and build for next season"

HV scored in every inning but the last. HV's biggest inning was the 4th when they plated 4 runs and pushed the score to 7-2 at the time. The biggest hit came off the bat of Lower Moreland Senior and Penn State Abington bound Jesse Goldstein. Goldstein ( 2 for 3, double, RBI, Run scored) drove a ball to right field that hit the fence on one hop to plate a run and ignite the inning. Lower Moreland Freshman Jack Titus (1 for 2) also got in on the fun by driving a double to the left field corner

"Jessie seems to have taken to me and Coach Mike Landes (assistant coach) style of hitting" Coach Horn said "Jesse works hard 100% of the time between the lines if its hitting, running or cheering he gives us everything he has. He will be very hard to replace next season that is for sure"

Abington senior Chris Ruhl (7 strikeouts) pitched the first 4 2/3 innings for HV and did a great job on a spot start. Lower Moreland senior Ross Goodman entered the game with 2 runners on base and 2 outs to close out the 5th inning and pitch a scoreless 6th.

"Chris (Ruhl) did a great job today. He really hasn't pitched at all this season but we where shorthanded and I knew he would do a great job. Once the game got close and Chris reached 100 pitches I had to turn the man known as "Chips" (Ross Goodman) and he did what he has done all season and that is pitch great and give me his all"

HV also received 2 hits from Ace pitcher and Penn State Abington Freshman Brian Camp (2 for 3, 2 RBI's) and Lower Moreland Junior Lou Palmer. Camp laced a triple over the right fielders head for his first hit of the season.

"Brian's (Camp) hit not only surprised me but also surprised him. Brian got to third base and looked like he saw a ghost" Horn smiled "Brian is a character but I was happy for him"

HV closes out the season on Tuesday at home agianst the Morelanders

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