Saturday, July 7, 2012

Huntingdon Valley Wins 6th In a Row Behind Lawlor's Gem

Huntingdon Valley (HV) won its 6th game in a row behind Matt Lawlor's (6 IP, 5 Hits, 5 K's, 1 ER) pitching performance while beating Southampton 8-2 on Thursday night. Lawlor, in control most of the game, worked out of a huge 5th inning jam in winning his 3rd (3-3) game of the season. Leading the way for HV on the offensive side of the ball was Jake Yannessa (1 for 1, 2 walks, 3 runs scored, Jake Madnick (2 for 2, triple, 2 runs scored, RBI), Paul Buckley (1 for 1, 2 Runs scored) and Robert Hoffman (1 for 1, double 2 RBI's)

"Bull (Lawlor) showed a lot today on the hill" Coach Evan Horn said, "He only had 39 pitches entering the 5th inning. I thought he was breezing to a complete game but baseball is a crazy sport. One second your getting easy outs then the other second your scratching your head asking why are they so hard to get. Bull showed that he is growing everyday as a pitcher and was mentally tough and got out of the 5th inning. Im super proud of Matt"

Yannessa scored the first run of the day for HV when he scored on a sacrafice fly off the bat of Matt Meyers (0 for 2, RBI) HV scored again in the 2nd inning when Buckley singled and scored on an error.
The scoring continued in the 3rd inning as HV plated 2 more runs to take a 4-1 lead. With 1 out Yannessa walked and came around to score on a triple off the bat of Madnick. Madnick came in to score on a wild pitch. Hv added to the 4-1 lead in the bottom of the 4th when Buckley started the inning with a walk and scored when Cal Palmer (1 for 3, Double, RBI) doubled him in.

The biggest inning of the day came in the home 5th when HV put 3 runs on the board to make the score 8-2. Yannessa started the inning with a single which was followed by a Madnick walk. After a run scoring single by Chris Ruhl (1 for 3, RBI, Run Scored) Hoffman ended the scoring when he blasted a 2 run double.

"Ness was in the middle of all the scoring today" coach Horn said, "He is a super player and is all about the game. Watching him play makes you think how good can this kid get and then an inning later you repeat that question again"

HV turned the ball over to Buckley to close the game out and put the 13th win on the board for this HV team.

"A great group of kids I am honored to coach this season" Horn said "The way we have come together as a group really makes me feel that the time put in was and will contined to be rewarded as we work for that ultimate goal"

HV continues its season on Saturday as it hosts Warminster.

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